This day was actually not really planed. We got a text telling us the new baby horse had been born, so I tried to get all the kids ready to go out to see him. By the time we were leaving my family had gone home. We remembered it was baby animal days so we decided to go over there. Then after baby animal days we met my family to see the new horse. We were all so excited to see what it was like. None of us had experienced a brand new baby horse. It was so heartbreaking to learn that the horse was sick and not doing well later that week. We were all praying that he would survive. Finally my Dad took him to the vet with his Mama! My dad had to practically carry baby Gold to the trailer. When my dad went to get Mama from the vet she fought him for 30 minutes she did not want to leave her baby. As a matter of fact I think we should name the Mama "Mama" in honor of Mothers and in honor of her for losing her sweet baby boy. Mama is now at the breeders and she is going to get pregnant again. It takes 11 months for a baby horse to come out. I'm telling you I felt for those pregnant horses they seems miserable.

These were the only animals Bailey actually got to touch the lines were sooo long.
We called the baby pigs Wilber!

Lance took his 20 minute catnap

Bailey's first run in with cotton candy. I think it stressed her out a little bit!

Gotta get a picture of Mama:)

There was such a neat feeling out at the Ranch when we went to see this sweet baby horse. We named him Gold. He died a week after he was born. This was the first baby horse we had ever seen so we thought he was okay but hind sight he seems really sick. The Mom horse let Milan pet the baby which is really neat because she was very protective of him.

The kids riding bareback, with Moca and Grandpa Grant.

Bailey after she fell off of Moca. Moca didn't mean to have her fall off, she just took off a little fast and Bailey couldn't hang on. It was amazing that Bailey got back on the horse after she fell off. She was brave.
Check out those pretty Wellsville mountains and check out my Hubby. I think he would have made a good cowboy! Ha Ha
Nate and Bailey riding Moca together.

I love this picture of the baby giving the Mom a kiss. I really felt like this baby horse was special.