This was our first family outing with a new baby and I think it went pretty good. Nate got a sack full of candy at the exciting Cache Valley Parade. So he was happy. Bailey got a couple of pieces of candy and made friends with another dog. You can see the dog in one of the pictures. Lance slept the entire time. We went to Willow Park and Nate climbed to the top of the climbing wall and Bailey went down a big blow up slide. The kids are so fun to watch. We even got a little summer rain but it was still pretty hot. We wished that we could have been boating, camping or watching Nate play baseball but this year we just stayed home with our new baby boy. With three children we really feel like a family now. Some people brought their dogs to the parade but we left ours home. To many individuals to worry about. Oh and Bailey almost got ran over by the LTD bus in the parade. She was going for candy and along came the big bus. Luckily we were paying attention!!
“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.”
Lance Armstrong
Nathan 7 yrs. old
Nathan is so much fun to have around and when he is gone life seems dull. He loves the Jazz.. He also loves making new friends. His most favorite friend is Bailey his little sister. She always makes him laugh. Most of the time she is the boss because Nate wants to be a gentleman. He is always trying to keep Bailey safe. Nathan makes anything in life a game. He loves to have fun no matter what. We love our big brother Nathan.
Bailey 3 yrs. old
Bailey is our girl. We love her so much. She is so sweet to everyone she meets. Her favorite thing to do is sit on someones lap and suck her thumb while playing with their hair. She loves to play with her stuffed animals. She doesn't have any favorites, she loves them all. Bailey also loves her big brother Nathan. She is sad when he is gone to school. She will try to do anything Nathan can do. She is also the only one in our family that really likes to play with our dog Wilson. We love our girl head to toe she adds sugar and spice to our family.
Lance 1 yr. old
This is our little happy, laid back, easy going baby brother! Lance is so cute he looks so much like Nate did when he was a baby. I love his cheeks way too much. I probably kiss them to much but he's not complaining so I'm going to get all the sugar I can. Lance loves to watch his big brother and sister. He hardly naps because he is always so excited to wake up and see what is going on.
Wilson 2 yrs. old
This is our dog. I asked him to smile for the picture and he actually did. It has been really hard to have a dog. Ignorance is Bliss. I would have never got a dog knowing the work it would require. Now all of us have invested time, love and money into him so he is stuck with us. Nathan has been so good to take Wilson around the block everyday for a walk. We just got a fence for our yard so Wilson is so happy to run around. He really is the sweetest thing. If we could all be more like Dogs. Always happy to see someone. You can yell at them and they still love you. Always ready to play.
Rhett and Bobbie Jo
This is us in Scotland where Rhett served his mission. We were married in 2001 just 4 months after Rhett got home from his mission. We both went to Logan High School and graduated in 1998. I went on to get my RN degree and Rhett finished school with an Accounting degree. We live in Providence UT. I stay at home with our 3 children. Rhett works in the basement for his Dad. The business is called Rocky Mountain School of Baseball. The kids love having their Dad around so much and if he is gone they are very curious where he might be.
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